Discover Your Inner Puppet

When Frank "Buster" Akrey called and wanted discuss his new project it was music to my ears literally.

J. Nelson

11/10/20241 min read

When Frank "Buster" Akrey called and wanted to discuss his new project, it was music to my ears, literally. Buster had just completed his most prolific musical writing and production work. As a long-time go-to professional Hammond organ player, he had the vision and heart to grow his solo work for his own fulfillment and share what he felt was a calling. The music was flowing out of him, and this time, it was different. Puppets were supposed to perform the work instead of him being the focal point or "rockstar." It was a long process of figuring out, but he did. I supported and encouraged and came alongside with the video production side of things and also many creative conversations to help him find the best way to express this creative endeavor. It was fun and fulfilling for Frank, but it is still a work in progress as it evolves to this day. His energy and love for this project are infectious, and I'm always advocating and jumping in when needed. Why? Because Buster has a viewpoint and something to say, his success is rooted in that positivity and meaningful song he wants to share with the world. We might sometimes or even all the time feel like "Angry Parents." But Buster wants adults to know we don't have to be, and through laughter and satire, we can work through the challenges of life and the moments that push our buttons. Music, laughter, and fun are successes.